“Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. …The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27:6,9‬ ‭NLT‬‬
This week is the second week of the two-part devotion on loving correction. As Christians we want to bless others, but sometimes offering correction, is tough but necessary.
Using a simple illustration, a friend will tell you when you have spinach between your teeth when you are walking into an interview, an enemy will tell you that you look great. You might be momentarily embarrassed, but you will certainly be grateful when a friend points out something that you cannot see.
We all enjoy the encouragement of a friend, but a true friend will bring difficult but also necessary counsel.
Be thankful to the Lord for those in your life who love you enough to tell the truth. Those friends make you better.
This week, be thankful, but also be that friend.
In His Hands,