“If a ruler pays attention to liars, all his advisers will be wicked. Pro 29:12 NLT
In this world we live in of free-flowing information, fake news and AI, it is more important than ever that we nurture a discerning spirit and hunger for the truth.
This proverb reminds us that when we are in a position of authority – often what we want to hear is what we are going to hear. That is why it is so important for rulers, both religious and secular, to learn to shun falsehood, lies, and deception in the counsel that they receive. For, as this proverb says if they listen to this kind of thing – all that they will hear in the future is this type of counsel. The end of such a swing in the opinion brought to this leader will be that all his subordinates will become wicked. This brings corruption and a trap for all that are a part of it.
To “pay attention” to liars here means to listen with an intent to obey or heed the advice given. It has the idea that as the lies are offered, rather than reject it, the ruler listens closely and does so with a desire to obey. This means that the ruler’s heart has a predisposition to what is false rather than what is true. The Word of God says that a godly ruler winnows the wicked from his presence – and makes sure that falsehood will not be spoken to him as advice.
We need to pray daily that our leaders will be men and women who value truth rather than lies. Included in this prayer is that they will heed biblical truth when it is directly related to legislation that is pending.
As we continue to march towards elections in this land, let us pray for our leaders to pursue truth and that God would raise up bold voices to speak biblical truth without fear.
This week, be encouraged to pray and speak truth.
In His Hands,