“Anger is cruel, and wrath is like a flood, but jealousy is even more dangerous.” Pr 27:4 NLT
The Proverb exclaims that anger is bad, but jealousy or envy is worse. A hot temper is destructive for a short time, but jealousy feeds long bitterness. We can get twisted by anger, but envy sees everything with a poisoned view. Wrath can control emotions for a time, but envy can eat at you for a long time.
Anger and wrath are well known. They are passionate indignation, intense resentment or rage against a person or thing. Anger and wrath cause people to do cruel and outrageous things. The violent feelings are very intense; and they can overrule judgment and common sense.
But what is envy? It is the hostile and malicious feelings of jealous resentment toward another person for their advantage over you. Anger dissipates quickly, but envy is always there to remind you of another’s superiority. Anger blinds momentarily, but envy blinds permanently, by having your whole life poisoned by the resentment of their advantages.
Envy is worse than anger or wrath. It needs no provocation, as do anger and wrath. We can envy others for goodness and prosperity. Envy is deep in a heart and is only removed with difficulty, whereas anger quickly leaves when the provocation ends. Envy will not forgive another’s offense; though it is long past, revenge still simmers. And envy is hidden out of sight, so we are unaware of its seething danger in another’s heart.
Are you happy for everyone in your life? Are you glad at the successes and joy of those who have wronged you? Or does sin have a root of bitterness in you that will choke out your joy? Anger and wrath may lead to momentary folly, but envy will consume and destroy your life.
This week, be mindful of any envy that might be in your heart and surrender it to the Lord.
In His Hands,