“Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble.” Proverbs 21:23 NLT
Watch your tongue. Ever think about that directive? Physically, and without a mirror, it isn’t particularly easy to do. In fact in trying to do so, you would be able to do little else and would absolutely look silly trying achieve it. I think that is the point, it takes effort, it takes concentration, and sometimes it might even require the help of others. But the consequences of speaking out thoughtlessly can get us into trouble in all kinds of ways. I can think of a few:
We can get into trouble by filthy talking, foolish talkin and course jesting.
We can get into trouble speaking negatively about others
We can get into trouble by complaining
We can get into trouble by over committing
We can get into trouble making hasty vows to God
We can get into trouble by name calling
We can get into trouble by lying
We can get into trouble by disrespecting authority
We can get into trouble by arguing and debating
We can get into trouble by hurting those around us
How can we avoid these troubles? “Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut.” Only speak words of life. Be mindful of what you say. Think twice and speak once. It isn’t easy to do, it does take effort, but the effort is worthwhile to avoid trouble.
This week, be mindful of your words, you might even ask for some help in doing so.